Intoducing the WMD Triple Bipolar VCA! Featuring 3 bipolar VCAs, a MIX out, and more,this module provides dedicated inverting/polarizing/bipolar amplitude modulating inputs normaled to the Phase Modulation inputs on the PDO and can connect to it as an expander but is fully functional on it's own!
A bipolar VCA is like a normal VCA when operated with positive control voltage. But when using a negative control voltage, the output will swing back through zero amplitude and the output will be inverted. This produces deeper modulation than a normal VCA and can be used to great effect on VCOs and LFOs.
The Triple Bipolar VCA also has a special feature-dedicated inputs on each channel allow for replacing the inverted signal with a seperate input! When the VCA goes negative, rather than outputing the inverted +input it will alternate to the -input if patched, sort of like a crossfader only instead of the sum in the middle, it will be silence.
The Triple Bipolar VCA is also designed to be used as a standalone module, it does not require the PDO to operate.
- Three Bipolar VCAs
- Excellent for Bipolar modulation or AM synthesis
- Essential expander for the PDO mkII
- Linear Response VCAs
- Bipolar Attenuators for CV control
- Mix Output Sums All Three VCAs
- Bi-color Signal LEDs
- "-" Input for Mix Through Zero, converts a bipolar vca channel to a dual vca
- Skiffable PCB Design
80 mA +12V
75 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
28 mm deep