Total Recall

6 HP Programmer/Sequencer module designed to ease up transitions in live sets by controlling 3 (!) CVs at once – just by the use of one soulful hand!

Intuitive to set up the desired voltages to control anything in your modular system that accepts CV (either unipolar 0-5V or bipolar -5-+5V). The preset manager/multistage CV controller rocks a macro feature no one would ever want to miss in future live performances.


  • 6 HP width, 3x CV preset manager/multistage and macro controller for Eurorack

  • 3 channel control voltage generator/attenuator/attenuverter

  • 8 preset CV manager with two banks: bipolar -5...+5V and unipolar 0...+5V

  • Instant, slewed or continuous change between stored CV values

  • 3-channel macro CV generator with smooth min./max. control via CV, trigger or manually

  • CV acquisition: 16 bits SDADCs, CV outputs: 12 bits DACs


+12V: 55mA
-12V: 15mA
Depth: 30 mm (with plugged ribbon cable)