Pressure Points

Make Noise
Out of Stock

Pressure Points is a controller module--an analog sequencer that is played by hand. Touching the gold plated copper wires (aka Touch Plates), you become part of the circuit, generating a gate signal (Gate OUT), a control signal proportional to the amount of pressure applied (Press OUT) and the 3 Tuned Voltages for the activated Stage.


  • The Gate signals may be used to turn portions of a patch ON/ OFF, generate Timing Events within a patch or to Trigger a Function Generator such as MATHS
  • The PRESSure signals may be used to add expression to a patch by varying Pitch or Timbre in real-time, based upon the artist's input
  • The Tuned Voltages may be used to play the Pitch of a sound in a traditional melodic fashion, Program Chords or Timbral shifts (aka Presets)
  • Up to 4 may be CHAINed together (using CHAIN Cable-NOTE: sold seperately!), to create controllers of varying size and complexity
  • All outputs are capable of driving a passive 4 way mult without loading effects (no buffered mult needed)
  • Expansion port allows for sequential control via the BRAINS expander module


  • Width: 20hp
  • Max Depth: 24mm
  • Power:
    20mA@ +12V
    0mA @ -12V
  • Requires approved power solution from Make Noise, Tip Top Audio or Doepfer