A pair of quirky VCAs with SUM output that are especially excellent for amplitude modulation (AM) sounds and more!
The modDemix features 2 identical direct-coupled balanced modulator circuits that may be used together or independently for Ring Modulation, VCA, Mixer, Signal Multiplication, Voltage Controlled Polarization, Attenuation and more.
- Unique balanced modulator circuit turns OFF around zero volts at the Carrier/ Control INput, making the circuit behave well as a VCA
- STRENGTH is a Combo Knob, with nothing patched to STRENGTH CV IN, it works as a standard panel control, setting Level. With signal patched to STRENGTH CV IN, it works as an attenuator, setting the strength of the modulation
- Both circuits feed a summing stage, allowing the module to be used as a voltage controlled mixer
- AUXiliary IN allows for the stacking of multiple modDemix and/ or Optomix to create larger mixes
- Able to introduce warm distortions to audio signals, sounds like no other VCA or Ring Mod
- MAX BLINKENLIGHTS, 8 LEDs packed into a small 6hp module
- Pairs well with dual oscillators.
- Width: 6hp
- Max Depth: 24mm
- Power:
30mA@ +12V
30mA @ -12V