A-160-2 Clock Divider II

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The newest best version of our favorite clock divider!

The Doepfer A-160-2 MK2 is a simple great clock divider that acts immediately upon triggering, so it's perfect for sending rhythms rather than clocks to or sending a square wave oscillator to produce subharmonics or function as a sub oscillator!

The module is a frequency divider for clock/trigger/gate signals, designed to be a source of lower frequencies, particularly for rhythm uses. The Clock input will take any digital signal from, eg., an LFO, MIDI sync, or the gate from a MIDI-CV interface. At the outputs, you have access to three sets of seven different sub-divided clock signals, from half the clock frequency down to 1/128. The low/high levels of the output signals are 0V and about +10V.
The A-160-2 also has a reset input. Whenever a reset signal is sensed, all outputs are set to certain levels which depend upon the selected mode.

These are the most important features of the module:

Three different sets of dividing factors, selected by a three-position switch at the front panel:


  • power of two: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
  • prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17
  • integer: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Two output modes, selected by a two-position switch at the front panel:

  • Gate mode: outputs act like the outputs of typical binary dividers
  • Trigger mode: in this mode the outputs are AND-wired with the clock signal (i.e. the clock pulsewidth affects the pulsewidth of the outputs)
  • (the center position labelled "Cst" has no meaning so far, please refer to the note at the bottom of the page)



50mA @+12v

0mA @-12v